gsCommunity benefits for Service Units (SU)

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August 1, 2024, we will be sunsetting the gsCommunity website. This decision was not made lightly, and we are deeply grateful for the connections, adventures, and memories we have shared. 

By joining gsCommunity, you can now easily connect with service unit volunteers in other GSNorCal areas to brainstorm ideas/ host events/ share opportunities/ reach out for support as you step into a new service unit role AND use the platform to create a communication space for you troop members. 


1. Become part of GSNorCal's largest service unit social network. Connect with other service unit volunteers across all GSNorCal regions. gsCommunity has a dedicated space for all GSNorCal service unit members, devoid of social media clutter and noise. Join gsCommunity's Service Unit Teams space and start connecting with volunteers by service unit role or expertise.


2. Enrich your volunteer experience with access to Service Unit Teams space that allows for peer to peer learning and information exchange. Get inspired by volunteers in similar roles, import effective best practices from other regions, seek support from subject matter experts, and receive Council updates - all in one place!


3. Create a space for your SU - Streamline connection and communication for your service unit volunteers. Building on the benefits of dedicated spaces for Service Unit Teams, Highest Awards, DEIB learning/ Culture Code Lab, creating a Service Unit communication space/channel within gsCommunity helps keep your troop and team members engaged, informed and connected - on one unifying platform.


4. Find support from your community of service unit volunteers. Built on Mighty Networks, gsCommunity app and the Service Unit Teams space is mobile friendly and easily accessible, making connections and support easier and faster.

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