Navigating the gsHelpCenter

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Have questions about Girl Scouts? You have the option to type your question in the search bars, use the gsHelpCenter Answer Bot, or explore our knowledge base on your own. The gsHelpCenter knowledge base is organized in three ways, by category page, section pages, and articles. This gsHelpCenter tip is an article in the Troop Tools & Technology section, under the Troop Operations category. 


gsHelpCenter Categories:

Main topics to help you narrow down your search.



gsHelpCenter Sections and Articles:

Once in a category, you will see additional sections based on the category topic and available articles underneath those.

  • You can choose to select the section title, for example, Membership Registrations, to see all the articles listed in that section or select the article you need.


  • Some sections have additional sections available to view


Articles in this section

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