Wells Fargo Bank Account Partnership

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Because Girl Scouts of Northern California (GSNorCal) has an active partnership with Wells Fargo, all GSNorCal-classified troop accounts will not be charged monthly service or cash deposit fees. 

To verify that you have a GSNorCal classified troop account, please login to your Wells Fargo troop account online and confirm that your troop bank account is not currently being charged monthly service and cash deposit fees.

  • If you are not being charged monthly service and cash deposit fees, no action is needed and your account will continue to not be charged these fees.
  • If you are being charged monthly service and cash deposit fees, account signers have 2 options to contact Wells Fargo directly if you would like to waive these fees:
    1. Call the banker at Wells Fargo that originally set up your troop account and let them know you would like to request a permanent fee waiver and to credit back fees that were assessed for your GSNorCal troop account. You will receive up to a maximum of 3 months credit back for any fees the account incurred.
    2. Visit your local Wells Fargo branch in person and request the permanent fee waiver and to credit back fees that were assessed for your GSNorCal troop account. You will receive up to a maximum of 3 months credit back for any fees the account incurred.
  • If your troop account was set up after July 1, 2021, please login to your account at least 90 days after your account was activated to confirm your Wells Fargo account is not being charged fees. If you are being charged monthly service and cash deposit fees, please follow the above guidelines to request the permanent fee waiver.

Please note, if you are currently being charged a monthly service and cash deposit fee, you will be charged these fees until you request the permanent fee waiver from Wells Fargo.

Contact info@gsnorcal.org if you have any additional questions.

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