Service Unit Team Position Descriptions

What is the Service Unit Team or SU Team?

The SU Team is a group or committee of local volunteers who provide support to troops, volunteers, and Girl Scouts in their area. SU teams can be comprised of sub-committees with different focuses. Collectively they host monthly service unit meetings to give support and share information, and are often the ones to put on local events, camporees, and other activities for the Girl Scouts in their region. 

Service Unit Team members also collaborate with council staff to develop plans for the upcoming year, attend and participate in council Summits, and abide by the Volunteer Policy, which includes the GSNorCal Culture Code. 

The full list of all GSNorCal service units can be found here

Service Unit Team Overview

SU Team Management Roles: 

SU AdvisorCoordinate service unit team by ensuring the provision of regular team and volunteer meetings, team recruitment and succession planning, and annual service unit planning. Communicate with council regarding status and needs of the service unit. Support volunteers and troops in the community and ensure they feel welcomed. Assist with conflict resolution where possible and connect volunteers to staff when needed.
Program AdvisorRecruit and support event planners and adult trainers. Support troop volunteers with program related questions, training, and paperwork. Share council event opportunities with SU adults, and ensure health and safety policies are communicated and followed at troop and SU events. Provide input on relevant topics in the service unit’s annual planning meeting.
Membership AdvisorRecruit and coordinate recruitment and retention specialists. Ensure that recruitment and retention of members is a priority for the service unit. Use reports and resources to identify potential placements for new members or those wishing to change troops. Partner with council staff to meet membership goals and work with team on annual membership planning. 
Cookie Program AdvisorRecruit and coordinate cookie committee. Offer support and guidance to troop and SU volunteers. Communicate regularly with troop cookie volunteers and ensure they are trained for their role. Utilize baker’s software to access data, support troops, and finalize sales. 
Fall Program AdvisorProvide training, support, and guidance to troop volunteers on all aspects of the Fall Product Program. Coordinate order distribution and sort and distribute rewards. Support and promote training and communicate updates with participating troops and Juliette caregivers.
TreasurerAssist with service unit budget. Maintain service unit bank account and update volunteers on the status of the SU funds. Support troop treasurers with completion of the troop finance report and submit the service unit’s finance report on time. Process reimbursements as required throughout the year for legitimate service unit expenditures. 

Each committee in the service unit team is responsible for supporting the troops, adult volunteers, and service unit in a different way. Committee chairs coordinate the activities of that committee. 

Adult Engagement Committee
Committee Chair: SU Advisor
Responsible for engaging leaders and ensuring learning needs are met.

Program Level MentorSupport adult volunteers with troops at your chosen program level. Facilitate opportunities for learning and collaboration.
New Leader MentorConnect with new leaders. Offer support and guidance. Utilize SU meeting time to provide content specific to new leaders.
Recognitions CoordinatorPromote service unit and national/council awards. Recognize achievement of youth members within service unit. Support and oversee appreciation and recognition of volunteers within service unit.
Communications/PR OrganizerRecord and publish meeting agendas and minutes. Build/maintain SU communication platform. Share council and SU news, events, and updates. Raise public awareness of Girl Scouts by utilizing media outlets in your area to promote achievements and activities. 

Program Committee
Committee Chair: Program Advisor
Responsible for providing and supporting program for troops.

Event PlannerEnsure service unit event(s) run smoothly. Follow all safety guidelines and relevant Safety Activity Checkpoints. Plan and implement varied and balanced program that provides relevant experiences in accordance with the the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
CSA AdvisorPartner with adults and youth in Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops and ensure they are maximizing their experience and have access to all of the programs and opportunities available to them.
Troop Outdoor MentorEnsure that the trip/outdoor learning needs of troop volunteers in the service unit are met. 
Event First AiderEnsure the safety of attendees during a Girl Scout event. Administer first aid as needed. Establish event safety guidelines. 

Membership Committee
Committee Chair: Membership Advisor
Responsible for membership goals for recruitment and retention.

Recruitment SpecialistRecruit and coordinate School Reps. Plan and host SU-wide and targeted recruitment events in partnership with council staff.
Retention SpecialistPartner with council staff and SU team to ensure that retention goals are met. Utilize provided tools and resources to identify troops in need of support and connect them to that support. Assist with individual members looking for new troops. 
School RepKeep up to date your school’s events and identify which ones may provide recruitment opportunities. Partner with relevant council staff and SU volunteers to ensure Girl Scout presence. Gather interest lists and assist with troop formation or placement as needed. Facilitate connections and mentorship among the troops at your school.

Entrepreneurship Committee
Committee Chair: Cookie Program Advisor
Responsible for supporting troops through product program opportunities

Cookie Program MentorConnect and partner with troop volunteers and Juliette caregivers new to the program. Offer support and guidance throughout the program regarding platforms, resources, processes, and benefits of the cookie program.
Rewards CoordinatorPartner with SU cookie committee to offer support and guidance to troops regarding rewards. Receive, sort, and distribute rewards to troops and Juliettes.
Initial Order CoordinatorSecure a distribution site, coordinate delivery and complete required paperwork. Recruit a team of adult volunteers and older Girl Scouts to assist if needed. Coordinate troop initial order pick ups at distribution site.
Cookie Booth CoordinatorRecruit and build partnerships with local community businesses for booth location and scheduling. Partner with council staff to ensure that contracts and Certificates of Insurance (COIs) are issued, as needed. Partner with SU team to support and guide booth selection process.  Partner with businesses to resolve an issues that may arise during public booth sales. 

Auxiliary Roles:
In addition to the roles listed below, service units may choose to add or create additional team roles to support the needs of Girl Scouts in their area. Examples of these roles include: SU Supply Exchange, Older Girl Council, Religious Awards Advisor, Cultural Liaison, etc. 

Role NameShort Description
Learning FacilitatorTakes necessary trainings to be a certified learning facilitator for Girl Scouts, and offers local trainings for volunteers in the area. 
Day Camp/Camporee DirectorOrganizes the service unit’s Day Camp or Camporee. Ensures necessary event forms are completed, and adheres to safety standards outlined in the safety activity checkpoints. Manages Day Camp or Camporee Committee Members and oversees recruitment of older Girl Planning Committee/Crew.
Community Service Project Coordinator/Liaison Organizes and promotes service unit participation in local community service projects/events.