Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors (9th-12th graders) submit Gold Award proposals to the Girl Scouts of Northern California Council on a rolling basis. Girl Scouts who are currently in the 12th grade must take care to submit a complete proposal no later than May 1 the year they are to graduate high school. A proposal must be submitted to and approved by GSNorCal before the Gold Award project can begin.
Proposals are submitted to GSNorCal exclusively through GoGold Online, which can be found here. Girl Scouts should use their own unique email address when signing up, and need to be certain to select “Northern California” as their Council. An email will be sent to the Girl Scout’s email address confirming that their submission was received.
Our council does require supplemental forms be included in the proposal submission. Those forms can be found in step 5 of GoGold Online, or on our main page, here. The purpose of the supplemental forms is to provide staff and volunteers reviewing the materials with greater detail or information that GGO does not request, in order to better understand the proposal and reduce the amount of time Girl Scouts must spend explaining or re-writing information.
Proposals are reviewed once per month regionally by Gold Award Committees. The committee review schedule can be found here. Girl Scouts may not begin work on their Gold Award projects until they are officially approved by the committee. We encourage Girl Scouts to submit as early as possible to allow themselves the most time possible to get through the review process, gain approval, and begin. Final report questions are accessible as soon as the proposal is approved, and we recommend that Girl Scouts review and keep those sections updated while they work on their project.
Girl Scouts will be assigned one Gold Award Committee Coordinator who will contact them after the committee review. Girl Scouts are responsible for maintaining contact with their Coordinator at least once per month to keep them updated about progress, and to work with them if there are any possible changes to the approved project. It is okay if Girl Scouts do not make progress on their project each month; if they are pausing or falling behind, they can let their Coordinator know what is going on and that they are still intending to complete.