National & Council Awards

People posing for awards

National and council awards are a great way to make your fellow volunteers feel appreciated! Know a special someone who has gone above and beyond for Girl Scouts? Then make sure to nominate them for one of the awards listed below. 

Any Girl Scout troop, service unit, council, or individual can nominate a volunteer for an award. There are also awards available at the service unit and troop level!

How to Nominate a Volunteer

numbersLearn about the awards by reviewing the National & Council Awards Packet. Then check the Past Awardee List (Excel download | Google Sheets) to see awards your candidate may have already earned. Here are some tips for how to write a strong nomination. 

number1_32Complete and submit the online nomination form.

number3_32Recruit an additional person to complete and submit the online Letter of Endorsement and recruit the other individuals signing the letter of endorsement.

June 30th is the due date for Nominations and Letters of Endorsement for fall recognition events!

Award Descriptions

Additional details and full criteria for each award can be found in the National & Council Awards Packet.

National Awards

Appreciation Pin For outstanding service to at least one community.
Honor PinFor outstanding service to two or more communities.
Thanks BadgeFor outstanding service that benefits the entire council or Girl Scout Movement.
Thanks Badge IIFor outstanding service council-wide or beyond having already received the Thanks Badge. 
President’s AwardRecognizes a service unit team or group who surpasses team goals to result in a significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals. 

Council Awards

Alliance AwardRecognizes an organization or business that has developed a council-wide alliance that facilitates Girl Scouting on a significant level.
Chris Arkley Significant Impact AwardFor continued outstanding service for 3 years after receiving the Appreciation Pin. 
Dennis Chew Outstanding Fundraiser AwardFor promoting and expanding business and community support and contributions to Girl Scouts of Northern California.
Heritage AwardFor promoting the history of Girl Scouts, through artifact preservation, restoration, sharing and/or by planning and attending heritage events/programs.
Outdoor Trailblazer AwardFor providing outdoor experiences for girls.
Phyllis Jones Amistad AwardFor commitment to diversity and inclusion through significantly increasing the number of diverse Girl Scouts in a troop, service unit, outreach program, or camp over a period of time.
Maud Whalen Continued Exceptional Service AwardFor continued exceptional service after receiving the Honor Pin.
Eleanor L. Thomas Exemplary Leadership AwardFor being an exceptional role model for girls and other adults and by having an extraordinarily profound impact on girls’ lives through her/his empowerment of those girls.
Ruth Robertson Commitment to Excellence AwardFor demonstrating long-term commitment to the Girl Scout organization through at least ten years of service.
Circle of Empowerment AwardFor empowering others to deliver the Girl Scout mission by providing support, guidance, and professional development to other Girl Scout adults.

Additional Recognition

Those celebrating 30 years and above for the GSUSA Numeral Guard and Volunteer Years of Service Award are recognized at Fall Adult Recognition Events Pins are in 5 or 10 year increments. Those eligible for a pin should fill out the form by June 30 to be recognized at council recognition events in the fall.

“On My Honor” – Due to changing registrations systems over the years, we are unable to look up membership and volunteer years at the GSUSA or Council level. These two pins are self-reported and don’t require a formal nomination. 

For Questions, contact Lauren Uda, Associate Director of Volunteer Support, at