Service Unit Event Planner Resources

Whether you’re planning an event for the first time or are an experienced event manager looking for resource links, you’re in the right spot. 

Event Manager Resource List

Additional Resources

Event Manager Overview

Event Managers ensure the success of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience by managing the event or the work of Event Committee members to provide a unique Girl Scout program opportunity for Girl Scouts. They ensure that the event adheres to the GSNorCal health and safety standards outlined in Volunteer Essentials, complete the necessary forms, and partner with the Service Unit Team on the budget, concept, and safety plan. Event Managers may be responsible for planning one or multiple events or advising other committees of volunteers.

Getting Started

Complete the Learning Path 636 Event Manager. Required for all volunteers running events where the person is responsible for the planning and implementation of the event and for the well-being of the participants.

Review the Event Timeline and Checklist This is a comprehensive list of recommendations and things to consider when planning your event.

Planning and Budgeting

Gather service unit input, build event committee (if needed), select date/location, determine estimate total cost, budget, cost person, submit the event notification and approval form, etc. Below are some templates and resources to help with this stage of planning. 

  • Event Budget Worksheet | XLS
  • Event Roles to Delegate | PDF
  • How to Partner with Girls for Events | PDF
  • Event Committee Best Practices | PDF

Once the service unit provides approval for the event, submit the Event/Camp Notification & Approval Form. This form also acts as the High Adventure Approval form for any high adventure activities attendees will be doing at the event, and includes a section to indicate what those activities are. 


Contracts: Ensure that facility use permits, contracts, agreements are approved and signed by council staff. Contracts usually take 5-10 business days to be reviewed and signed. 

Safety: Recruit an Event Girl Scout First Aider, determine adult/girl safety ratio for the event, purchase additional insurance if the event will be open to non-Girl Scout members including, siblings, prospective members, parents, etc.

Additional considerations if offering high adventure activities: Is a life guard needed? Does someone need to be Wilderness First Aid certified?  Note all high adventure activities offered at your event in the Event/Trip Notifications & Approval Form.

Registration & Publicity: Determine how participants will register for the event, when will the registration deadline be,what forms need to be collected, how you will spread the word. If a flyer is needed obtain approval from your service unit team before posting or distributing.  

  • Event Flyer Checklist | PDF
  • Event Registration Checklist | PDF
  • Event Group Roster Template | XLS
  • Event Individual Roster Template | XLS
  • Event Confirmation Checklist | PDF

Food/Supplies/Equipment: Determine what supplies and equipment will be needed and delegate who will be responsible for bringing it. 

Communication & Emergency Plan: Determine if there will be cell service at the location, where the landline is, what the transportation route to the near hospital is, who will be the emergency contact for the event. Design a plan for managing emergency situations.

  • Event Emergency Plan | PDF
  • Evaluating Air Quality | PDF

Day of the Event

Arrive early and ensure the site is left clean upon departure. 

Allow time before event for check-in. Consider having a station for walk-in registrations, if allowed. Print extra forms. If participants are attending individually, collect permission forms and health history forms, as appropriate. 

After the Event

Consider sending out an evaluation for feedback from attendees. Organize notes (income/expenses, vendor info, final attendee numbers, etc.) or anything that could be helpful if someone else were to run this event or something simliar in the future.  

  • Event Evaluation Questions | PDF

Committee, Volunteer Wrap Up:  If working with a committee, consider hosting a wrap up celebration to debrief the event and recognize their accomplishments. 

  • Event Committee Recognition | PDF

Financial: Pay remaining bills and reimburse volunteer expenses/submit receipts for reimbursement. 

Miscellaneous: Follow up with patch distribution, rental returns, thank yous, and celebrate a job well done!

[Reference: ‘Event Timeline and Checklist’]