Volunteer Run Camp Information

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Girl Scouts of Northern California is proud of our 4 Volunteer-run Sleep Away camps and 18 Volunteer-run Day Camps each year.   The Volunteer-run camps are all overseen and approved by Council.  We have wonderful volunteers that spend all year planning a robust camping experience so that we are able to offer more outdoor experiences throughout Council. The camps run and operate dep by handling their own camper registration and volunteer registration.  Some camps offer multiple sessions while some offer a one week session each summer.  

Volunteer-run Day Camps

Volunteer-run Sleep Away Camps


Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I register to attend a volunteer-run camp?

Each camps handles their own registration.  Some camps run a robust website while others will send you a form to complete and instructions for payment.    All camp registration is collected by that specific camp.  

Are the volunteers paid to work at camp?

No, all of our staff at the Volunteer-run camps are volunteering their time.  The only exception is that some of the camps with pools will hire a lifeguard.   

What are the requirements of volunteers at camp?

Volunteers must be registered GSNorCal members, complete volunteer screening, complete mandated reporter training and all volunteer training hours to work as a volunteer at camp.  

Is my child free if I volunteer to attend camp?

Each camp operates independently and has their own systems in place.  Most camps offer a significant discount if there is an adult volunteer attending.  

Is my son or daughter under 5 able to attend camp as well if I volunteer?

Many of our camps offer volunteers a tagalong program where the volunteers other children can attend camp at a discount.   

Do the Volunteer-run camps accept Cookie rewards and Camp match?

Yes, most camps do accept Camp reward cards and are able to accept the camp match.  You need to let the camp know and they will work with you.  The camp will need to know the amount you wish to have deducted as well as the reward card numbers.  

Is there financial aid available for Volunteer-run camps?

Yes, most camps offer financial aid and this is approved by each individual camp.  They may choose to offer their own campership program or the camps have the option to be reimbursed by GSNorCal.  Eligibility is determined by family income and number of dependents.   A camper must be a current Girl Scout member in GSNorCal and may only receive financial aid for one session of camp either at a Volunteer-run camp or Council-run camp.  Please contact the camp and they can give you more information on the process.  

If we are having an issue with a Volunteer run camp is there someone at Council that can help us?

Yes, we have a paid staff who works will all of the volunteer-led camps year round.   If you need any extra support you can contact them at volunteercamps@gsnorcal.org 



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