Online Event Manager Training

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Events provide the opportunities for girls and adults to rekindle friendships with "old" friends, to learn life skills, and provide leadership opportunities for girls. If you’ve ever planned a child’s birthday party, a wedding, or any other large celebration, you’re familiar with some of the logistics involved with planning an event.

Online Event Manager training is required for at least one adult who will be working with girls or other volunteers running events where they are responsible for the planning and implementation of the event and for the well-being of the participants. Older girls/troops who are planning and/or hosting a money-earning event to support troop activities, such as, travel/trip or Silver/Gold Award are encouraged to complete the Event Manager course as well. They do so with the understanding that the adult advisor to their project will be present at the event and also complete the necessary training on the Volunteer Learning Portal.

Is your activity an “event”? If your occasion meets one or more of the following criteria, it should be considered an event. If your activity meets one or more of these criteria and you feel that the Event Manager course should not be required, please contact GSNorCal at to discuss it.

  • Any activity other than just a regularly scheduled troop meeting may be an event if it includes other people outside the troop.
  • Girls attending individually – any time you have girls attending as individuals rather than with their troop the activity qualifies as an event.
  • Promotion – when other troops, groups, or people are invited outside those planning the activity, it is an event.
  • Size – if more than two large or three small troops are involved, it would be considered an event.
  • Logistics – a complicated activity where there are many logistics to consider such as site, safety, transportation, etc. would be considered an “event”.

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