How To

Supporting GSNorCal

GSNorCal raises needed funds to support program activities and resources for all girls and leaders through the Opportunity Fund, grants, and generous gifts from donors through employee matching gifts, and volunteer hours. To learn more about ways to support, please see Supporting GSNorCal.

Disbanding, Merging, Bridging, or Splitting Troops 

If your troop is anticipating upcoming changes in its configuration, e.g., it will be merging with another troop, splitting into more than one troop, or disbanding altogether, this link will provide you will all of the information you’ll need to know. Disbanding, Merging, Bridging, or Splitting Troops

Reporting Responsibilities

One critical task for each troop, no matter what grade level, is to keep excellent records and establish a clear accounting system for all money earned and spent. As the troop’s troop leader or treasurer, you’re in charge of making sure money is spent wisely and that excellent records are kept (keeping copies of all receipts […]

Girl Scout Guide for Utilizing Social Media

Girl Scout Guide for Utilizing Social Media Social media sites and apps such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. can be an easy and fun way to stay in touch with your troop, coordinate events, and share your accomplishments, but it’s important to be able to navigate them safely.  Safety and Privacy Resources General Content Guidelines It’s […]

gsLearn Video Learning Series

gsLearn is GSUSA’s and GSNorCal’s Learning Management System. gsLearn offers volunteer role and course learning paths, as well as, several helpful individual courses to help you succeed in Girl Scouts. See the Required Volunteer Role Learning Index and gsLearn Troubleshooting and FAQs for more information. gsLearn offers a variety of courses and modules covering topics, such as leadership development, outdoor skills, safety, […]

gsLearn is Here!

gsLearn is GSUSA’s and GSNorCal’s Learning Management System. gsLearn offers volunteer role learning paths as well as several helpful courses to help you succeed in Girl Scouts. See gsLearn Troubleshooting and FAQs for more information. On September 5, 2023, the Volunteer Learning Portal retired and GSNorCal’s required volunteer training moved to gsLearn. With this new transition, you will get to experience: What […]

Entrepreneurs and Caregivers – Juliette participation (Individually Registered Girl)

Juliette Participation (Individually Registered participant) Juliettes (individually registered Girl Scouts) are eligible for the same incredible rewards progression as Girl Scouts in troops! Juliettes earn proceeds in tiered amounts based on bands of total items and/or magazines sold. Proceeds are issued on Rewards Cards to power their Girl Scout Experience. Each Juliette’s parent or caregiver supports […]

Girl Scout Heritage

In 1912, Juliette Gordon Low brought Girl Scouting to the United States. The first Girl Scout troop in California was established in 1917 in Palo Alto. Girl Scouts of Northern California was incorporated in 2007, comprising five former councils, and is the home of GSNorCal’s Heritage Committee. The Heritage Committee’s mission is to collect, conserve, […]

Taking Photo and Video at Events

Taking photos at events isn’t just a great way to preserve and share memories, it’s also an opportunity to show the world the value of Girl Scouts, and encourage others to join in on the fun. While many smartphones and digital cameras make it easier than ever to take professional looking photos with minimal effort, […]

Important Dates

September 27 – November 15: Weekly Fall Take Action Program Q&As  Register here! Join the product program team for a weekly Q&A hour Wednesdays, September 27 through November 15, 2023. We will answer questions and screen share to support volunteers, families and entrepreneurs with the Fall Take Action Program. October November Return to: 2023 Fall Take Action […]