Posting on Social Media

We support girls and families posting on social media platforms who have adhered to the platform’s specific Terms & Conditions.  Girl Scouts sell online only through M2 and Digital Cookie, sites that are designed with Girl Scout safety in mind. Girl Scouts cannot market their business with any other online “for sale” websites, such as eBay, Craigslist, Amazon or Facebook Forum.

 As a reminder, a Girl Scout’s contact information should never be shared on public-facing websites or with any news outlets.

When parents and guardians promote their Girl Scout’s cookie business on social media, make sure posts are still girl-led. Work as a family on post ideas, creation, captions, and sending out thank yous.   Now that online business is open, they can promote it. When public booths open, they can promote their booths on their social media, adhering to above. Residential cookie stands cannot be promoted, even after public booths open, for girl safety and for respecting that not every Girl Scout has cookies in-hand until public booths open.