Adult Background Check Requirements:
Any adult who will be included as a chaperone in the adult-to-girl ratio in an overnight activity must have completed the volunteer background process.
Adult Sleeping Arrangements:
Generally, adult should not be sleeping in tents or the same area, such as, a hotel room, with the girls. If the girls are not ready to be sleeping without an adult in their tents, shelters, or hotel rooms, it is recommended that the troop plan a simpler trip with indoor dormitory-style sleeping. If adults will be sleeping in the same area with the girls, more than one unrelated adult should be sleeping with more than one unrelated girl. No adult should be alone with any girl, unless she is her or his own child.
To clarify: a troop leader, her mother, and another unrelated female adult could sleep in a dormitory-style room with more than one girl in the group.
One adult should not sleep in a tent or hotel room with girls unless they are all her/his own daughters. If an adult must sleep in the same area with girls, there must be more than one unrelated adult with the group of girls.