gsLearn is GSUSA’s and GSNorCal's Learning Management System. gsLearn offers volunteer role learning paths as well as several helpful courses to help you succeed in Girl Scouts. See gsLearn Troubleshooting and FAQs for more information.
On September 5, 2023, the Volunteer Learning Portal retired and GSNorCal's required volunteer training moved to gsLearn. With this new transition, you will get to experience:
- Clear volunteer role learning paths
- New and updated courses
- Single MyGS sign-on
What does gsLearn look like?
Explore gsLearn today! gsLearn is live and accessible through your MyGS account for registered volunteers.
- Where to find gsLearn
- gsLearn Video Learning Series
- gsLearn Complete Course Catalog
- gsLearn Complete Learning Path Catalog
What will happen to my Volunteer Learning Portal training record?
Your Volunteer Learning Portal (VLP) course completions will be transferred to the new gsLearn training site once you complete GSNorCal's Mandated Reporter course. If you already completed Mandated Reporter on the VLP, equivalent course completions were transferred to gsLearn automatically. If you are missing any training, email
What if I was in the middle of completing my online courses when you switched to gsLearn?
If you were in the middle of a course when we migrated to the new system, you can reach out to to have your module completions transferred over, so you can continue where you left off.
How do I find links to the learning paths and courses, so I can share them with other volunteers?
Unfortunately, we will not have direct links to courses/learning paths as we had in the Volunteer Learning Portal. Volunteers will need to locate the learning path for their role and desired courses in the Content Library. Once you have started a course, it will be listed on your home page in the "In Progress" tab, until it is completed.
Will our earned Volunteer Learning Portal badges move to gsLearn?
Unfortunately, we do not have the badge option available in gsLearn. As volunteers complete certain courses and learning paths, they will receive a certificate. Certificates are one way to get proof of completion in gsLearn. Volunteers will also be able to download their training completion report in the Achievements tab. Check out our gsLearn Video Learning Series to learn more. We have been busy uploading past training completions to our new gsLearn courses, starting with those who have completed Mandated Reporter. If there are discrepancies, they can email to get their training record updated.
Will there be a way for troop leaders and event managers to check other volunteers' training completions on gsLearn? If so, how can we do this?
With gsLearn, volunteers have the option to download/print certificates and/or download/print their whole training record (as an Excel or PDF). Troop Leaders can have their volunteers provide this information to them as proof of completion. Check out our gsLearn Video Learning Series to learn more. In addition, certain service unit level roles, who have access to Looker, will be able to view gsLearn course completions through the Looker dashboard.