Read through our Council Brand Guidelines on using our Girl Scout logos, the Trefoil, council service mark, and council acronyms. Logos can be found in our council account.
Council Branding
Girl Scout Green: Green is our primary color and should be used prominently in external communications, especially for the Trefoil. Two new shades of green support Girl Scout Green for added variety. Always consider the role of green when creating external communications.

View the full color palette in our council account.
Girl Scouts, troops, and volunteers should use Palatino Linotype or Helvetica as a default for any resources they are creating.
Fonts can only be black or white.
The Girl Scouts of Northern California service mark is the final form of our logo, with all its elements. It should not be reassembled or re-proportioned. Only GSUSA can create service marks/lockups.
Service Mark Size: To maintain the integrity of the forms and ensure strong brand presence, the service mark should never be used smaller than 50px for screens or 0.375 inches in print.
Service Mark Color: Whenever possible, the text should be black and the Girl Scout Trefoil should be kept green. If placed on a green background, the Trefoil should reverse to white and all text should remain black. One-color marks are a last resort to be used only when budgets so demand.
Members should always use the service mark that includes the council’s name.
Logos can be found in our council account.
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Do you have a Girl Scout experience that you’d like to share? Would you like to be featured in publications and news stories? Send us your story and photos to connect with our Marketing & Communications Team.
Additional Resources
Girl Scout Guide for Utilizing Social Media
Girl Scout Member Digital Tools
Service Unit Recruitment Toolkit
Taking Photo and Video at Events
2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program Resources
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